Energy System Analysis
Project Description
Due to the phase-out of nuclear power and the extension of renewable energy sources the Bavarian electric energy system is faced with great challenges. In the project Energy System Analysis Bavaria a hybrid simulation model for the energy transition in Bavaria is developed. The simulation of different scenarios enables us to analyze the impact of different options on the electricity generation balance, the electricity consumption and the environment. For this purpose we model the most important components along the energy chain (supply, transportation, demand). A main area is the modeling of fluctuating renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar energy, in order to investigate the interaction of conventional power plants, storages and the electricity demand.
Project Period
- 2012-03-01 – 2016-06-30
Project Members
Sponsored by
- Allgäuer Überlandwerke GmbH
- Areva NP GmbH
- infra Fürth GmbH
- Kraftanlagen München GmbH
- OMV Power International
- OSTWIND Verwaltungsgemeinschaft mbH
- Siemens AG
- SWU Energie GmbH
- Tennet TSO GmbH
- ThüGa AG
- Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie
Involved Institutios
- Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsmathematik
- Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Energiesysteme
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- “Modeling and Simulation of Electricity Generated by Renewable Energy Sources for Complex Energy Systems,” Proceedings of the 47th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS ’14), Tampa (USA), April 2014 ,
- “A Coupled Optimization and Simulation Model for the Energy Transition in Bavaria,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Demand Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of Future Generation Energy Networks and Energy Efficient Systems, Bamberg, Germany, März 2014 ,
- “On the Profit Enhancement and State Estimation Services in the Smart Grid,” Proceedings of the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, Washington DC/USA, pp. 1-5, Februar 2014
- “Gekoppeltes Energiesystemmodell für den Energieumstieg in Bayern,” 13. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz, Februar 2014 ,
- “Modeling Country-Scale Electricity Demand Profiles,” Winter Simulation Conference (WSC ’14), Savannah, GA, USA, pp. 1084-1095, Dezember 2014
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- “An Approach of a Simulation Model to Analyze the Future Energy Balance of Bavaria,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Technology, Economics and Policies, Nuremberg, Germany, Dezember 2012 ,
- “Towards a simulation model of the Bavarian electrical energy system,” INFORMATIK 2012, Smart Grid Wshp., Braunschweig, September 2012 ,