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Our research assistant Minhao Qiu presented paper on "Reliability assessment of multi-sensor perception system in automated driving functions" at IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2021). This paper is about a perception sensor model for an overlapping field of th...

Category: News, Research

Niklas Ebell presented his paper on "Benchmarking a Decentralized Reinforcement Learning Control Strategy for an Energy Community" at the hybrid IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids on Oct 27th 2021 at the E.On Energy Research Center in...

Category: General, Latest News, News, Research

In the context of the specialist program “Neue Fahrzeug- und Systemtechnologien” of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the project MBPLE4Mobility, short for "Model-based Product Line Engineering", started on July 1, 2021. As part of a large consortium, the Chair of Computer Scien...

Category: General, Latest News, News, Research

Also this year, Computer Science 7 was present at IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference. Alexander Brummer presented our paper "On the Simulation of Vehicular Networking Scenarios in Multi-Story Parking Garages". Due to the ongoing pandemic, the colleagues in Ulm organized an online version of the co...

Category: General, Latest News, News, Research

Our research assistant Thomas Deinlein presented the paper "On the Impact of priority-based MAC Layer Scheduling in 5G V2N multi-application Scenarios" at the 13th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (IFIP WMNC). The paper introduces the integration of the 5G QoS Model into the 5G-Sim-V2...

Category: General, Latest News, News, Research

At the 94th Vehicular Technology Conference Fall 2021 (VTC 2021), our research assistants Wojciech Baron and Thomas Deinlein presented two papers. Wojciech Baron's paper "LETT: An Execution Model for Distributed Real-Time Systems" is about an execution model to ensure data determinism between depen...

Category: General, Latest News, News, Research

Our former research assistant Jonas Schlund has recently completed his PhD with success. He presented his dissertation titled "Electric Vehicle Charging Flexibility for Ancillary Services in the German Electrical Power System" last Thursday and passed the defense with distinction. After finishing th...

Category: General, Latest News, News, Research