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The paper entitled with "Coupled Traffic Simulation by Detached Translation Federates: An HLA-Based Approach" was presented at the Winter Simulation Conference 2019 in Washington D.C. by our research assistant Moritz Gütlein. Besides describing the concept for reusable submodel translation in theor...

Category: General, Latest News, News, Research

Our former research assistant Ibrahim Alagöz has successfully concluded his PhD. He defended his dissertation titled "Development of a Methodology for the Efficient Validation of Safety-Critical Systems Using Machine Learning Optimization Techniques" last Friday. After publishing his work, he will b...

Category: General, Latest News, News, Research

Research assistant Lorenz Ammon presented our paper "N-Ray Ground Interference: Extending the Two-Ray Interference Model for 3D Terrain Shapes" at this year's IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC). The conference, which is one of the main events of the vehicular networking community, took place...

Category: News, Research

In our paper "Optimized Integration of Electric Vehicles in Low Voltage Distribution Grids" we analyse the impact of unccordinated charging of electric vehicles and different smart charging strategies on a representative European semi-urban low-voltage grid. The paper was published openly accessible...

Category: General, Latest News, News, Research

Our research associate Niklas Ebell, a member of the Smart Energy Group, presented his findings on "Sharing of Energy Among Cooperative Households Using Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning" at the IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT) 2019 in Bucharest (Romania). Further i...

Category: Latest News, News, Research

The results of two papers of the Connected Mobility group have been presented at the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2019-Fall in Honolulu (Hawaii, USA). Thomas Deinlein discussed the results of his work titled "Simulative Comparison of 4G/5G ITU Channel Models in the Context of V2I" at the ...

Category: Latest News, News, Research