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Welcome to Computer Science 7 (Computer Networks and Communication Systems)

The lab deals with protocols and architectures of networked systems and with their analysis and evaluation. To this end, we apply various methods of modeling, simulation, measurement and test and also develop own toolsets. Furthermore, two specific fields of application are investigated so that our research activities can be subdivided into three areas:

  • Quality-of-Service: Performance evaluation and investigation of new protocols to ensure the quality of service in (safety-critical) networks
  • Connected Mobility: Modeling and simulation of vehicular networks and connected mobility, used technologies and novel mobility concepts
  • Smart Energy: Analysis and simulation of smart, networked energy systems based on renewable energies and electric mobility

The teaching curriculum covers fundamental courses such as “Computer Communication” and “Simulation and Modeling” as well as advanced courses such as “Advanced Networking” and specialized topics of both application areas, e.g. “Vehicular Networks” or “Cyber Security for Smart Grids”.

We are pleased to announce an exciting guest lecture as part of the "Introduction to Cybersecurity Fundamentals in Networking" series. Join us for an in-depth exploration of blockchain security, led by an esteemed expert in the field. Talk details: Title: Blockchain Security: A Technical Deep...

Kategorie: Latest News, News, Teaching

Our doctoral candidate Christoph Funda successfully completed his doctorate yesterday. He presented his dissertation and passed the defense. After publication of his thesis, he will be awarded the academic degree “Dr.-Ing.” by the Faculty of Engineering at FAU. We congratulate him and wish him al...

Kategorie: Latest News, News, Research

Together with the University of Aberdeen, we participated in the IETF121 in Dublin. In the Hackathon, the benefit of Careful Resume was demonstrated, a video is available online. The results were further discussed in the Transport Area Working Group (TSVWG) and the Internet Congestion Control Resea...

Kategorie: Latest News, News, Research

Last week, our research assistant Corinna Seiwerth had the fantastic opportunity to attend the Base4NFDI User Conference - a platform that brings together researchers, developers and experts from different NFDI consortia to share ideas on innovative solutions and challenges. The focus of the event w...

Kategorie: Latest News, News, Research